

Beef Rendang

Beef Rendang

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One of the perks of marrying Anthony is that I have learned so much about his mother’s heritage and side of the family. Anthony’s mom, Hayat, was born in Yemen and is a citizen of Singapore. She’s a fiery little woman with a very direct personality but one of the most caring and loving people I know. On a recent trip to Singapore, I asked her to bring me a cookbook and any ingredients she didn’t think I’d be able to find here in Maine. When she returned, she gave me a great cookbook on Indonesian cooking and recipes. I’ve had it for a few years and have managed to take some traditional recipes, tweak them a bit to work with what’s available here in Maine. Beef Rendang (pronounced: ren-dawn) is one of my favorite recipes I’ve developed from this cookbook and I am making it this year for Hayat’s birthday.

Indonesian cooking is a great medley of flavors and techniques because of its geographic location. Beef Rendang is believed to have been an adaptation of Indian curry when Indian spice merchants came through the area and the locals adapted to the recipe. “Rendang” means slowly which makes sense as this dish does take some time. This dish is heavily spiced and cooked slowly over an entire day until you end up with tender, aromatic beef that melts in your mouth.

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Beef Rendang


6 shallots, chopped
3 cloves garlic, diced
2 tablespoons ginger, minced
3 teaspoons chili powder
1 tablespoon turmeric
1 teaspoon cinnamon
3 bay leaves
2 lbs stew beef
2 cans coconut milk
1 cup chicken stock


  1. In a dutch oven or large pot, heat a little oil and saute the shallots until soft, about 3 minutes.

  2. Add the garlic, ginger, turmeric, chili powder, cinnamon and bay leaves and cook until aromatic. About 2 minutes

  3. Add the beef to the pot and stir to coat. Add the coconut milk and chicken stock, stirring to combine. Cover with a heavy lid and simmer over medium heat 6-7 hours or until the meat is tender.

  4. Serve with rice and garnish with lime and cilantro.

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