

Eternal Gratitiude

Eternal Gratitiude

This year has been a wild ride. I turned 30, got married, made a major plans for the future and have found myself back in a place where I want to write. There have also been some mishaps, none all too serious but mishaps nonetheless. This morning, I am thinking of all I have to be grateful for and forgiving for the bumps along the way.

Never Ending Gratitude

My Pets


Everyone loves their pets and thinks they have the best dog, cat, fish, parrot around. I am no exception, barring the fact that I know my darling dog is not very well behaved and I have a very fat, lazy cat. Still, I love them unconditionally, even when Toby won’t come inside and Nugs won’t stop crying for water*.

Nugs, especially, has been with me longer than my husband or Toby. He’s my OG, ride-or-die compadre and I am so grateful to have him. He is mellow, agreeable and a great pillow.

Toby, on the other hand, is constantly wound for sound but so loyal. Yes, he wakes me up every morning at 5 am to go out but its those early mornings that endear him to my heart. He can also be high maintenance and isn’t a fan of having company over unless they are there to play with him and only him. He also doesn’t like when Anthony and I hug, touch, look at each other or breath. Despite all this, he still has moments when I think about how sweet and loving he is. For that, I am grateful.

My Home

I love my house and with Anthony’s help, we have turned it into a home together. It gives me a sense of belonging and safety and makes the long days bearable, knowing I have someone to return to at the end of the day where I am safe and hidden away. I am looking forward to renovating our dining room this winter and painting the outside this summer. When Anthony and I are done, we will have brought this home back to life and prepared it for what comes next in our lives.

My Friends


I have always known that I have the best friends. Since I was young, I have surrounded myself with good, honest, fun-loving people. This was never more evident than at our wedding this fall. Friends from as far away as Hawaii came to Maine to see me marry the love of my life and celebrate with us. It was a heartwarming day that was made better by their presence.

Friendship isn’t just about the big moments in life, its also about the little things and for that, I am eternally grateful.  

My Family


I would not be here without the unstoppable love I receive each and every day from my family. My parents, my sister, my brother-in-law, all my cousins, aunts, uncles and grandmothers. Even my baby niece. The reciprocal love we have for each other is unstoppable, unconditional and never-ending. Without them, I wouldn’t be here, and I wouldn’t be who I am today.


My Husband

I absolutely love my husband. From the day we met, we have been drawn together and attached at the hips. He is my rock and I am his. Without Anthony’s constant love, support and shoulder to cry on, I don’t think I could even begin to think of the journey I am preparing to make. Even when we are fighting and bickering and its cold and there’s snow to be shoveled, I am so grateful for Anthony and all he has brought to my life.

As I said in my vows at our wedding, my only wish in life is if he should live for 100 years, that I live for 100 minus one day so I never have to live without him again.

Me, Myself and I


This final note will seem vain and in fact, it is. But sometimes, we all need a little vanity and self-love. I am most grateful for myself, the life I am building, my body. Without this gratitude, I wouldn’t be able to love and appreciate all the wonderful people and things I am so blessed to have in my life.

Crack Crackers

Crack Crackers

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